Monday, 17 September 2007

The wild side

The wild side
The wild side, originally uploaded by 21goodlife.

Well, this is the part of our allotment that has been neglected since we got it. As the picture shows, it's a little on the wild side.

We got the allotment back in September of 2006, so it's been a year now. Even though it was a 'half' plot, it was still a substantial amount of land (or dirt as one of my friends calls it) to take on - especially considering the state it was in.

So, we got to work on the other half, which is much better. There's still an abundance of weeds there, but they are a little more controlled. We've; sorry, I've, taken it upon myself to clear this little lot, and get the ground ready for the new season next year.

We've got a load of left over bricks from landscaping the garden - like 100s. And, after asking on the 'Allotments 4 All' forum, was given a few ideas for using the bricks; rather than tipping them - tut tut!

I'm planning to build a compost bin and a cold frame out of the bricks. Quite a bit of the jungle will need to be hacked away before they can go in though; but then I'll have a place to put all the green waste; in the compost bin - Yay!

It all looks a lot of hardwork, but we try to keep chanting the mantra "just a little, and often", as most of our fellow allotmenteers recommend.